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Resilience and humility


We recently spoke about resilience and, in particular, about organizational resilience.

I am happy to read today that McKinsey wrote:

”  Resilience and humility go together. If you are grounded in your organization’s purpose, it gives you energy to navigate the storms. Humility also helps you to recognize that you don’t know everything, so in moments of crisis you reach out for help; you learn.

Carolyn Dewar  

In the same article we read: <<

Carolyn Dewar: I was struck by the number of CEOs we spoke with who had not grown up in a life of privilege. Some started on the shop floor or on the front lines of their organizations and worked their way up, so that resilience and grit started early. And that was mixed with a humility: “I’m here to serve the organization and the customers.” Those two qualities, resilience and humility, go together. If you are grounded in your organization’s purpose, it gives you energy and strength to navigate the storms or manage those wobbling plates. Humility also helps you to recognize that you don’t know everything, so in moments of crisis you reach out for help; you learn. That’s quite different from the charismatic I-know-everything CEO of popular myth.  >>.

[from ” Leadership lessons from the world’s best CEOs ” By Carolyn DewarScott Keller, and Vikram Malhotra ]

When illustrating my recent book and I underlined the importance of humility, I remembered that some of those attending the presentation where quite perplexed!

Happy to hear it from such an important Company!
